Site News



Welcome to Pokémology, Poryhedron's home on the web! This site actually combines two previous sites of mine: Poryhedron's Pokémon Data Archive, which had lots of useful information on the Red, Yellow and Blue Versions of the Pokémon Game Boy game, and the original Pokémology, which showcased my creative side. Now that I've consolidated my operations on the web, you can find everything Poryhedron in one handy place!
The menu on the left lists the sections of this site. I'm giving the news its own page instead of putting it on the front page, though the date of the last update will be on the entry page. The Contact page lists the ways you can get in touch with me, and, of course, the Legalities are present as always. In the Pokédex, you can find information for Pokémon: Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold and Silver Versions. The Pokégear is your entertainment center, with my ongoing fanfic, Ditto! Gary's Story; the Pokémon-based song parodies I call Pokésongs, and a radio so you can choose some background music for this site.
I think that's about I'll leave you to look around and enjoy the place!